
Focusing on optimizing the environmental performance and the overall use of the managed properties

Focusing on optimizing the environmental performance and the overall use of the managed properties

Our approach is focused on optimising the use over the lifespan of a property, both from the perspective of the owner and the end-user. Through our asset & property management division, we render a wide range of services with the goal of enhancing value and maximizing return, whilst providing a satisfactory experience for the everyday use of the property.

Our team of highly qualified and experienced specialists in all sectors of real estate enables us to act as a single point of contact for our clients. We address all aspects of property management activities from day-to-day operational tasks such as maintenance, repairs and renovations, to overseeing financial, leasing and legal matters in different types of properties.

We manage a total of 800,000 sq. m of assets comprising of industrial & logistics, offices, leisure, retail, accommodation, and residential buildings.

Services overview

Asset & Property Management Services

Structured in 4 main categories, these are the key services we provide by engaging professionals from all divisions of our company, to deliver an all-around successful management of assets.

Facility management

Technical services and Specialized revisions, maintenance and repair of equipment: electrical, HVAC, low voltage

Environmental management: waste & wastewater management, environmental compliance.

Soft (non-technical) services: Full cleaning services Snow removal services, green space services Pest control Security and fire services

Help desk services; 24/7 technical assistance

Relocation support, including move-in and move-out assistance & coordination

Property operations

Support services:
Accounting & procurement services
Warranty management and quality control
Compliance and advising for insurance contracting
Valuations and property tax
Marketing services
Legal advising
Health & safety advisory
Customized concierge services

Workspace well-being solutions:
Interior design
Turnkey solutions for fit-out works from design and documentation to execution

Customer experience

Rental management:
Asset repositioning strategy
Business continuity planning
Dedicated marketing (project based – remarketing of property during vacancy)

Tenant relationship:
Lease management and administration
Customized coordination of tenancy relationship process (incl. tenant retention advisory)

On top of emerging solutions

Energy management optimization (assistance)

Sustainability assessment and consultancy, as well as related services (engineering for technical upgrades)

Digitization processes such as: virtual reception, delivery smart lockers, virtual concierge with CRM integration etc.


Featured Services


Some of our Clients

ADP Allianz Alloga CBRE Courtyard Citi Coca-Cola Continental DHL DS Smith First Bank Halliburton Havi Huf IWIS GlobalWorth MINDSPACE Mood Media Mures City Logistics Liberty Spring Moxy Saipem Stefanini Suvoda UP Ground Valeo World Class

Our Experts


The wide range of services we cover enables us to provide a smooth and coherent experience for our customers, by acting as a single point of contact for all property management aspects. We focus on prevention and sustainability, with the goal to maximize the potential of all assets we manage.

Victor Palade

Executive Director


Our work

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Bratianu Business Center

Asset & Property Management

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HAVI distribution center

Asset & Property Management

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WorldClass Upground

Asset & Property Management

Let’s begin
our collaboration


Interested to find out more about how we can customize our approach to meet your requirements?

Make the first step by filling in the form or directly contact our professionals in charge of the area of expertise subject to your enquiry, and we will swiftly respond.

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